No. 56 Manifesting Your Dreams


Group Session Plan from FUSN (developed by Alison Means)

Chalice/Candle Lighting

Opening Words:

Hold fast to dreams
for if dreams die
life is a broken-winged bird
that cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
for when dreams go
life is a barren field
frozen with snow
Langston Hughes

Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
Tupac Shakur


Often when we have a dream, we let reality, or what we perceive to be reality, interfere with the dream. It is often easier to believe the person who tells us we can not do something, than the person who tells us we can. The first confirms our fears and reinforces our complacency; the latter nourishes our courage to dream. What are your dreams? What is stopping you from turning those dreams into reality? How can you do what your spirit longs to do?

Select the topic and location for the next meeting


Closing Words:

Take courage friends.
The way is often hard, the path is never clear,
and the stakes are very high.
Take courage.
for deep down, there is another truth:
you are not alone.
Wayne B Arnason