No. 20 Change


Group Session Plan from FUSN (by Barbara Bates)

Chalice/Candle Lighting

Opening Words: a different member of the group should read each quote.

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find ways in which you yourself have altered." -- Nelson Mandela

"... things don't change, but by and by our wishes change" -- Marcel Proust

"In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands Of Modern Life" title of a book by Harvard Psychologist & Educator Robert Kegan

"It is chilling to realize that the sentimental qualities most valued in people, like loyalty, constancy, and affection, are the ones most likely to impede change."
-- Ted Simon

"Be careful what you ask for." -- proverb


People acknowledge that the pace of change is accelerating perhaps beyond our ability to cope. They also point out that the Chinese character for 'change' is composed of the characters for 'danger' and 'opportunity', observing that "that which does not kill us makes us strong."

Spend some time reflecting on your past experiences with changes you've sought or those you've survived (such as a job change, move, birth/ death/ marriage/ divorce, health change). What in retrospect do you consider to be one of your most challenging or difficult changes? Describe it and what made it such a challenge.

How did you get through that change? What did you do & what did others do (if anything) that helped?

Has your way of 'handling' change changed since then? What is different?

Select the topic and location for the next meeting

Check-out / Likes and Wishes

Closing Words:

"What we call beginning is often the end and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
T. S. Elliot-- Singing the Living Tradition #685