No. 1 Community


Group Session Plan from TOCWSGM** - Rev. Glenn H. Turner

Chalice/Candle Lighting

Opening Words:

"Each of us brings a separate truth here,
We bring the truth of our own life, our own story.
We don’t come as empty vessels…
But rather we come as full people—people who have our own story and our own truth. We seek to add to our truths and add to our stories.
This room is rich with truth, rich with experience.
All manner of people are here: needy…joyful…frightened…anxious…bored…
We all bring our truth with us.
May we all recognize the truth and the story in everyone’s life.
And may we hear and honor the truths that we all bring as we gather together.
Together we have truths.
Together we have a story.
Together we are a community."

Penny Hackett-Evans


"A community is made up of people who enjoy and are ready to participate in mutual helpfulness. Not that they are busybodies always prying into one another’s affairs. They are not conscious 'do-gooders,' but they know how to be helpful without making a big thing of it." Harry Meserve

Questions: How do we want to be in community? How do we want others to be? What do you need to know about me, and what do I need to know about you?

Select the topic and location for the next meeting

Check-out / Likes and Wishes

Closing Words:

"And now we take our leave.
Before we gather here again—
may each of us bring happiness into another’s life;
may we each be surprised by the gifts that surround us;
may we each be enlivened by constant curiosity;
and may we remain together in spirit
‘til the hour we meet again."
Barbara Cheatham

** Transforming Our Churches With Small Group Ministry, Revised - February 2000